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1011 Cass Street, Suite 107
Monterey, CA 93940

(831) 324-0416

Monterey Bay Center for Integrated Health is a Center that focuses on Health and Nutritional Medicine with a Holistic approach. We are an Authorized Distributor of Ideal Protein Weight Loss and Diet Program, serving Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove, Carmel Valley, Salinas Valley, Marina, Seaside and the Monterey Bay, California, USA


Integrated Health & Nutritional Medicine

The goal of Integrated Medicine is to prevent and treat complex chronic disease, as well as, promote optimal health and well being. Integrated Medicine incorporates treatment options from conventional and alternative approaches, taking into account not only physical symptoms, but also psychological, social and spiritual aspects of health and illness.

Nutritional Medicine addresses the following issues:

If you think you might be suffering from any of these issues, give us an opportunity to help you get back on track.

Integrated Health

Integrated Medicine focuses on providing care that is patient-centered and comprehensive (body, mind, and spirit), both high-tech (using genomic prediction tools, systems biology, and functional medicine, for example) and high-touch. Integrated Medicine neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically. Good medicine is based on good science. We are focused on preventing disease and injury by assisting patients achieve healthier lifestyles and improving quality of life whether it relates to chronic illness or general health.
What makes Integrated Health Care unique is the incorporation of a holistic approach and using therapies that facilitate the body’s innate healing process with an interdisciplinary health care team includes a diverse group of members (e.g., specialists in sports medicine, geriatrics, chronic disease management, health coaches, fitness trainers) to enable patients to successfully take control of their own health care.

Nutritional Medicine

The practice of Nutritional Medicine takes a holistic approach to wellness recognizing that the foundation for optimal health and healing begins with a health promoting diet.

Our bodies are biochemical environments and everything we put into them in terms of the foods we choose to eat or not eat makes a difference. These choices also determine, to a great extent, if we are moving towards wellness or away from it. For many they will also determine whether we age well or poorly and what, if any, chronic diseases we will face.

Nutritional Medicine is based on the principal that nutrients, including essential micro-nutrients, are required for proper functioning of all the biochemical processes on which our bodies depend. This is the Ideal Protein Protocol. Therefore, when treating symptoms or diseases, we look for the underlying causes that although often partly genetic, are very much tied up with nutritional and environmental factors. This is in contrast to the tendency in the conventional medical approach to treat symptoms by means of drugs or surgery. Nutritional medicine includes clinical nutrition but is wider in scope, covering aspects of nutrition and health via the part that nutrition plays in health, disease, lifecycle and aging.